GTA V DLC News: Casino Heists Next? Gambling Data Found In Source Code

The next GTA V DLC release looks like it might finally contain casinos and, hopefully, casino heists. Well, let’s put it this way. If the next GTA V DLC introduces casinos, as the leak below seems to indicate, then there’s nothing stopping us from robbing that casino any way we can, right? And it seems only natural that if Rockstar is going to give us some GTA V DLC heists then a casino would be the flashiest, freshest setting they could find. There were plenty of fun heists in the main game, but who wants to rob another bank or military warehouse? Let us storm a casino ‘Ocean’s 11’ style and we’ll happily pay $5, $10 or $20 for GTA V DLC. And, according to YouTube personality ECB2, there are new references to casino-favorite roulette hidden in the GTA V source code.

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