To be a good player, you need to know the blackjack rules inside and out, you need have a good black jack betting strategy, and you need to know when to Hit and when to Stand. But to be a great blackjack player, you need to know much more than that! This section provides you with additional information about the game that you might not find elsewhere.
Inside you can read about the history of blackjack, from its Revolutionary beginnings to its marriage with technology and the rise of the game on the internet. This information is important to know if you want to become a serious player.
We also give you exclusive and valuable reviews of the best black jack books available on all aspects of the game.
Inside you will also find a blackjack glossary, so you will never be stumped about a term.
For our visitors from the US, we give a comprehensive review of the current situation of legal gambling in United States, so you know exactly what is allowed. Actual list of recommended casino sites can be found in USA blackjack casino section.
Finally, a section on blackjack humour brings out the lighter side of the game. Our writers have done the research for you, so read on and take advantage of this great information!