60th anniversary of Ian Fleming’s Casino Royale

The book that first brought us James Bond is turning 60 years old. Ian Fleming, the naval officer-turned-spy writer, published his first James Bond adventure, Casino Royale, on April 13, 1953. This novel kick-started what would become a multi-billion-dollar franchise featuring the much beloved well-tailored, deadly secret agent 007. To… Continue reading

ПОКЕР ИГРЫ РАЗУМА-The Mental Game of Poker(RUS)

ПОКЕР ИГРЫ РАЗУМА-The Mental Game of Poker(RUS)   Скачать(Download) Отзывы о занятиях с Джередом Тендлером «Он оказал мне огромную помощь. Сейчас я играю, по сути, вообще не впадая в тильт, постоянно показывая свою А-игру» — Дасти «Leatherass» Шмидт, PokerStars Team Online Pro, автор книг «Относитесь к покеру как к бизнесу»… Continue reading

What better mental challenge is there than playing poker?

Are you familiar with “brain jogging?” According to Robert N. Butler, president of the International Longevity Center-USA, located in New York City, “Simply using your brain keeps it strong. The French call it ‘brain jogging.’ “Exercise your brain with acrostics, reading, debating – anything to keep the mind alive.” Examples… Continue reading