Gaming goes green at the Peppermill Resort and Casino

Traveling through the Reno, Nevada area? We recently uncovered a true jewel of the desert in the Peppermill Resort and Casino. Beyond just the gaming and the glamour, the Peppermill also has a fascinating back story rooted in the green revolution as a pioneer of sustainability.

The casino and the hotel is the main draw, but what visitors may not know is that the casino itself is heated by what’s going on in the Earth far below. We’re talking geothermal energy, and as we found out, there’s lots of it to be had just below Reno and the Peppermill Casino.

The history of the casino is fascinating in and of itself. Today’s sprawling operation started from humble beginnings as the Peppermill Coffeehouse in 1971. The resort grew and was built in three phases of expansion over successive decades, with the curved Tuscany Tower added in 1997-2007.

Memories of 2001: A Space Odyssey: The curved halls of the Tuscany Tower. David Dickinson
The discovery of geothermal energy directly under the property was totally coincidental and a quite literally a lucky turn for the hotel. The Peppermill Hotel and Casino recently won the 2014 Sustainability Award for Nevada given out in Las Vegas on October 3rd.

Future plans to include smart thermostats and use geothermal energy to go totally “off-the-grid” and have the Peppermill become totally self-sustaining in the next decade, no mean feat when you consider just how much juice a large high end hotel and casino uses. The two-million square foot property of the Peppermill — including the three huge pools — is heated by a 4,400 foot deep well that has already reduced the CO2 foot print of the casino to the tune of 12,000 metric tons per year. Though this cost $9.7 million USD to construct, the geothermal plant paid for itself in about five years.

One of three pools on the grounds of the Peppermill. David Dickinson
Tesla Connector charging stations are also already available on site, and Elon Musk’s Reno facility for his flagship Tesla electric car is due to break ground in Reno next year, another win in the green column for the city.

Another interesting feature of the Peppermill is the Tuscany Room, actually a large cavernous hall that is the largest free span ballroom in North America at 65,000 square feet (that’s about 255 feet on a side).

Tuscany ballroom
The enormous Tuscany Ballroom. David Dickinson
Today, thousands visit Reno and the Peppermill Casino as an alternative to Las Vegas far to the south. Reno has lots going for it, as it’s also a great home base to explore the ski slopes that dot the Sierra Nevadas and the Lake Tahoe region just to the west.

The Peppermill also makes a great jumping off point to explore Reno and local environs. Urban kayakers can be seen plying the Truckee River through Reno’s scenic and very walk-able downtown district, and the exterior of the Whitney Peak Hotel sports Basecamp, the world’s highest climbing wall at a towering 164 feet.

Climbing urban style at Reno’s Basecamp. David Dickinson
And Reno’s not just for gamblers. Going to the 2014 Reno ComicCon? This year, the event will be held at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center on November 21-23. Special featured guests include Norman Reedus (Daryl of The Walking Dead), William “James T. Kirk” Shatner, and Lou Ferrigno of The Incredible Hulk fame. The Peppermill is running package deals for convention-goers starting at 199$ a night. Book now!

High rollers won’t want to miss the Safari and Roman motifs in select suites, and the Bimini Steak house on site serves up top notch fare.

Safari room
The stately Safari room. David Dickinson
Or you can even daytrip to the Peppermill and use the pool and its fully equipped beach house tents, rentable at $150 a day.

Don’t miss the Peppermill Hotel and Casino for a look at a place where glamour meets renewable energy!

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